Letter from our President Pro-Tempore

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Isaiah 43: 18-19

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Let me take the opportunity to say: Welcome home! Many people have traveled through the wilderness and desert to get to this new thing that God is doing in the Global Methodist Church. Many have prayed and worked for the renewal of Methodism for years, and we are now surprised to find that it is taking place right before our eyes as a new Methodist movement is born.

Welcome home!

I am so excited about the future of the Global Methodist Church! Our newly formed Mississippi-West Tennessee Provisional Annual Conference is already bearing much fruit. Like tens of thousands around the world, we have come together to start a fresh new Methodist movement that is Christ-centered, rooted in Scripture, and faithful to our Wesleyan heritage.

Welcome home!

Every day our conference is growing, but this growth is not contained within the bounds of our two states. We are a global church, and every day the Global Methodist Church is “making disciples of Jesus Christ who worship passionately, love extravagantly, and witness boldly.” That’s our mission, global in scope, and my deepest prayer is that we will indeed stay on this mission.

Know that we do not seek to be a top-down bureaucracy many of us have experienced in the past. We desire a Church where the emphasis is on the local congregation reaching the least, last, and lost, and making disciples of Jesus Christ. Let’s “remember not the former things” but move boldly into this new future with both excitement for and focus on our mission.

Please save the date for our Convening Annual Conference. We will gather at Christ Church in Memphis, TN on January 25-27, 2024, for what will be a time of worship, celebration, learning, and very little business. I can’t wait to see you early next year in Memphis when I can say to you in person, “Welcome home!”


Rev. Dr. Timothy Prather
President Pro Tempore